Cloning a Subdomain

To connect a new clone to a Gateway subdomain, use the configuration provided in the domain creation response. For messaging (the default), the configuration will look something like this:

  "@domain": "≪subdomain≫.≪account name≫",
  "genesis": false,
  "io": {
    "uri": "",
    "opts": {}

For a UUID subdomain:

  • The opts object will be missing (no authorisation information is needed).
  • The genesis flag will be missing, as the Gateway does not know whether the subdomain already exists. If the domain does not already exist according to your app, set the genesis flag to true.

For a named subdomain, the opts object will take one of the following two forms:

  • If the account allows JWT authentication, a JWT will be provided, signed by the account:
      "auth": {
        "jwt": "≪jwt≫"
  • Otherwise, the account will be echoed, with a placeholder for the account key:
      "auth": {
        "user": "≪account name≫",
        "key": "≪account key≫"
    It's up to the app to replace the "key" placeholder with the account key (it's always a placeholder, even if you used the account key to create the subdomain).

Finally, prior to using the config, you need to an "@id" key with a unique clone identifier for any new clone you create.

For example, using the JavaScript engine:

import { uuid, clone } from '@m-ld/m-ld';
import { IoRemotes } from '@m-ld/m-ld/ext/';
import { MemoryLevel } from 'memory-level';

function startClone(config) {
  config['@id'] = uuid();
  return clone(new MemoryLevel(), IoRemotes, config);